Thursday, June 30, 2022

Will 4G hit India in 2012? [Analysis] |

It has been more than year that mobile subscribers in India are offering 3G services to their customers. Its not yet so famous as more than 70% of Mobile Users don’t even know about it. Coming directly to the point, I want to say that 3G results have not been upto the mark as yet there are less than 10% users who’ve shifted to 3G.

A report says that if everything goes well, we will be having 4G bidding in India next year. First of all, let me tell you a bit about 4G. It is the newest generation of Mobile Technology and will take up the speed constraints from ~4Mbps in 3G network to nearly 100Mbps in fast moving vehicles such as Cars and even better i.e. upto 1Gbps speed for Stationary users. The figure might look a bit amazing but coming to ground reality, this speed is not there for even the Wired Broadband users in India.

However, what I am concerned about is that top mobile service providers have invested more than 50,000 Crore rupees in the 3G spectrum bidding already and for getting on the profit side, they need a tenure of atleast 6-7 years to get going. And, with 4G bidding to follow next year, I guess most of them would have to stay away from bidding  as they won’t be having an amount which will be even more than the 3G bidding to spend. Keeping all this in Mind, TRAI and the Govt. of India are planning to postpone it for a while, but that will again make us lagging in terms of technology as many countries including China and Japan have already launched 4G.

However, there are mobile operators in India such as Etisalat DB (largest Provider in Middle-East Asia) who to protect themselves from such a situation and have therefore kept themselves away from the bidding. So they will be eyeing to get the most out of it.